Masters Circle FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Was this formerly the Masters Circle?

Yes! In 2024 The Leadership Team, PMAR Board of Trustees, and the then Masters Circle Members all approved a change to Circle of Excellence. 

The industry itself had already shifted away from referring to primary bedrooms as “Master” due to the problematic history and overtones of the word. Keeping the word “Master” in the title of a group that is made up of industry leaders seemed incongruous.

What are the qualifications for membership?

You must be a member in good standing of the Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors® to be a member of Circle of Excellence, and must have attained a minimum of two million ($2,000,000) in closed dollar volume or 20 transaction sides during the preceding year, with no more than five sides being lots sale


What are the benefits of membership?

  • All Circle of Excellence education and networking events are free to Circle members, even the CE Credit events
  • Entry into the members-only Circle Facebook group
  • Access to the Circle of Excellence logo for your marketing material (business cards, flyers, etc.)
  • Access to logos specific to each membership category
  • Inclusion in the online membership database featuring photo and contact information plus your list of specialties
  • Ability to promote listings or special clients through the no-cost E-mail and Mailing List Distribution Program — distribution lists updated regularly!
  • Opportunity to participate in The Oregonian, Business Journal, Carpenter Media Group of Oregon/Portland Tribune, and Portland Monthly advertisements at a special group rate
  • Free access to the Listing packet flyer for clients on the benefits of choosing a Circle of Excellence member
  • Opportunity to join committees to gain valuable leadership experience and help shape the industry
  • Opportunity to network with hundreds of the top  Realtors® in the area
  • Name recognition among the public and within your industry

Are there different designations?

Yes! There are five levels of membership.

Member: attained closed dollar volume of at least two million ($2,000,000) or 20 transaction sides during the preceding year.

Diamond: attained five million ($5,000,000) or more in closed dollar volume during the preceding year.

Platinum: attained twenty million ($20,000,000) or more in closed dollar volume during the immediate past four consecutive years total.

Diamond-Platinum: attained not less than five million ($5,000,000) or more in closed dollar volume during the preceding year and sold in excess of twenty million ($20,000,000) in closed dollar volume in the immediate past four consecutive years total.

Managing Principal Broker: must manage one or more Circle of Excellence members.

As a member benefit, you can request a set of logos specific for your membership level. To request your logos, e-mail

What is the deadline to join?

Applications open December thru March, however, there are specific deadlines that apply to participate in the advertising packages. Advertising deadlines are listed on the Circle application here.

What do I need to do to become a Life Member?

Life Members shall be General Members who have maintained REALTOR® membership in a National Association of REALTORS® recognized Local and State Association for 25 continuous years, and have been a member in good standing of the Masters Circle (formerly the Million Dollar Club) for 20 or more cumulative years, plus completed at least two years of service consistent with PMAR Life Membership requirements. 1 year of the 2 years can be met by serving on a standing committee of PMAR.

Is this the same as the Million Dollar Club?

Yes, although the name has changed, the membership levels remain the same. Additionally, all Million Dollar Club Life Members continued as Life Members under the Masters Circle, and will now do so as Circle of Excellence.